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编辑者:李佳 | 发布时间:2021-11-22

演讲题目: How green finance will impact on climate change

演讲嘉宾: Julien Chevallier



会议 ID:394 588 595


TopicHow green finance will impact on climate change

Presenter: Julien Chevallier

Time:Nov 29,2021 16:00 PM (Beijing Time)

App:Tencent Meeting/VooV Meeting (Online)

Webinar ID: 394 588 595

Chair:Prof.Boqiang Lin


Julien Chevallier, 巴黎第八大学经济学院教授,法国IPAG商学院大宗商品市场兼职教授,Energy Economics等国际权威期刊副主编。狄俄尼索斯经济学实验室“宏观、金融”研究单元主席。于巴黎南泰尔大学经济学院获得博士学位,至今在European Journal of Operational ResearchThe Energy JournalEcological Economics 等国际知名期刊发表论文140余篇,出版专著22本,论文被引次数2542次,H指数高达27

 Julien Chevallier, Professor of the School of Economics of the University of Paris VIII, adjunct professor of commodity markets at the French IPAG Business School, and associate editor of Energy Economics and other international authoritative journals. Chairman of the Macro, Finance' research unit of the Dionysus Economics Laboratory. Received a PhD from the School of Economics at Nanterre University in Paris, and has published more than 140 papers in international journals such as European Journal of Operational ResearchThe Energy JournalEcological Economics, and 22 monographs. The papers have been cited 2,542 times, and H index up to 27.