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能源环境经济与管理学术名家讲坛——Sustainable and Just Energy Transitions in the Global South

编辑者:李佳 | 发布时间:2021-11-01

演讲题目:Sustainable and Just Energy Transitions in the Global South




会议ID:799 235 064



廖川博士主要从事环境和可持续发展领域的跨学科研究。研究课题包括土地所有制与土地利用变化、社区自然资源管理、旱地可持续性和可持续能源转型等。曾在东非和中亚地区开展了一系列理论和实证研究,成果发表在Science, Nature Food, Development and Change等期刊。于康奈尔大学自然资源与环境学获得博士学位。


Energy transitions are taking place at an unprecedented pace in the Global South, and facilitating sustainable and just transitions can lead to far more rapid advances in societal wellbeing that would otherwise be infeasible. As attention devoted to sustainable and just energy transition increases, more systematic knowledge about the drivers and impacts of sustainable energy transition is of utmost importance. This presentation examines the emerging discussions in the energy transition literature that highlight the importance of understanding and theorizing the diversity, determinants, impacts, and interactions of energy transitions. Through the energy justice framework, the presentation will address the distributional, recognitional, and procedural issues of energy transition, and investigate where does injustice occur, who is ignored, and whether is the transition process fair.