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企业管理系学术讲座之六十一——The Co-evolutionary Dynamics and Adaptability of Inter-Organizational Networks: Exploring the Safety Network Effect

编辑者:付博 | 发布时间:2019-03-08

报告题目:The Co-evolutionary Dynamics and Adaptability of Inter-Organizational Networks: Exploring the Safety Network Effect

报告人:Shmuel Ellis

报告人单位:Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University

主持人:Barak S. Aharonson




报告介绍:This study examines how inter-organizational networks co-evolve as they balance rigidity and flexibility in contexts marked by exogenous change. We ground our inquiry in a historical analysis of the emergence of a national inter-organizational network system of shareholding and interlocking directorate networks during the transition of Israel’s economy from a planned to a market regime between 1992 and 2006. We find that the interlocking directorate experienced fewer fluctuations than its shareholding network counterpart. Furthermore, the two networks affect each other’s evolution asymmetrically: changes in the more rigid interlocking directorate precede and influence the evolutionary path and global topology of the more flexible shareholding network. We term this directional influence the safety network effect, an intricate co-evolutionary mechanism in which the more stable inter-organizational network absorbs the sharp fluctuations in another network.

嘉宾介绍:Shmuel Ellisis professor of management and organizational behavior in the Coller School of Management, Tel Aviv University. He received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Tel Aviv University in 1985. During the years 1985 – 1988 he was on the faculty of the Open University of Israel, and during the years 1990-1992 he was a visiting professor at the Sloan School of Management, MIT. Shmuel Ellis was the chairperson of the department of undergraduate management and academic director of the Organizational Consulting Program. During the years 2015-2016 he was the rector of the College of Management in Rishon LeTsion. His main areas of interest are reflection interventions and learning from successes vs. failures, organizational genealogies, entrepreneurship, imprinting and knowledge transmission. Shmuel Ellis has published in top journals such as Organization Science, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology and Human Relations.