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编辑者:刘银燕 | 发布时间:2018-11-29

为了活跃澳门永利yl6776会计学科的学术研究氛围,激发既有教师与在校研究生的学术研究热情和积极性,促进教师之间、教师与研究生之间、研究生彼此之间的深入交流、思想碰撞与知识分享,我们组织了由澳门永利yl6776会计学科的常任教师、博()士研究生、国际访问学者等作为报告人的系列Seminar。该Seminar将冠以“澳门永利yl6776会计学科教师与研究生系列Seminar”的总标题,从2017314日起,每周周二下午15:00-17:30举行。该Seminar与已有的“财务、会计Seminar(主要聘请校外与境外的学者担任报告人) 相互补充,以期能够更好地推动澳门永利yl6776会计学科的学术发展。 


题 目:The Impact of Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence on the Accounting Profession

报告人:Feng Xiong 助理教授

主持人:张国清 教授

时 间:2018124日(星期二),15:00-17:30

地 点:嘉庚二203

论文摘要This paper provides a comprehensive review of current developments in Big Data, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence utilized in general business practice and by specialized practitioners in the accounting profession. This paper explores the evolution of the accounting profession following these recent technological developments and assesses the impact of future developments such as Blockchain. Inherent challenges and opportunities posed by these new technologies pertaining to accounting professionals and accounting educators are also examined, including increased demand of IT professionals with accounting experience as opposed to accounting major graduates.