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编辑者: | 发布时间:2017-05-10


发布者:hejieqin 发布时间:2017-05-10 09:58:48 浏览数: 次 [ 返回 ]

演讲人:冯有翼 教授(四川大学)

主持人:庄伟芬 副教授



演讲题目:Optimal Multi-Item Inventory Replenishment and Pricing Policies with Economic Implications


We study the concurrent ordering problem of multiple products in a periodic-review multi-item inventory model. Among the products the seller offers, some pairs of the products are economically complementary and others economically substitutable. The customer demand is random, sensitive to prices and reflects customers' view on the economic relations between the products. Inventories of the products are periodically replenished and the price of one of those products is controlled by the seller. With the backlogs of unmet demands and carryovers of unsold items, the seller aims to maximize the total expected discounted profit over a finite planning horizon. We investigate the seller's viewpoint on the economic relationship between products and will use it to determine optimal inventory replenishment and pricing policies. By rescaling measures for the products, we show that there exists an economic relationship between products that, however, may be dissimilar to the customers' view on the products. Based on this revealed economic relationship, optimal policies are a form of the base-stock and list-price policy, and have monotone and bounded sensitivity to inventories of the products.


冯有翼教授現为四川大学特聘教授。他曾是西班牙萨拉戈萨MIT全球物流教研中心绿色供应链终身讲座教授,也是 MIT 交通和物流中心的兼职研究员。曾任香港中文大学工学院系统工程与工程管理系副教授,香港城市大学商学院管理科学系访问教授,电子科技大学特聘教授,INFORMS 协会会员,全球供应链管理会议组委会成员等职。先后获得南京大学数学系数学学士、数学硕士,美国哥伦比亚大学工程与应用科学学院工业工程硕士、工业工程和运筹学博士学位。冯教授的研究方向包括:可持续发展的绿色(低碳)供应链管理,金融工程与风险管理,实物期权理论和应用,经济综合发展,能源合理利用,保护环境和控制污染创新模型,能源需求和价格均衡预测,随机工业制造和服务系统控制和博弈,大規模零售和制造业供应链管理基础理论和优化算法。其研究成果广泛发表在《Management Science》、《Operations Research》、巜IIE Transactions、《IEEE Trans. on Automation ControlNaval Research Logistics Quarterly》等高水平的学术杂志上。他同时也是其中部分期刊的审稿人。冯教授还有丰富的产业咨询经验,先后担任过纽约Bearing证券和Marshall Lazer银行金融分析师,和美国休斯顿安然公司天然气运输收益和风险研究项目经理。