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编辑者: | 发布时间:2017-04-26


发布者:hejieqin 发布时间:2017-04-26 09:57:50 浏览数: 次 [ 返回 ]

演讲人:陈继光 助理教授(山东大学)

主持人:庄伟芬 副教授



演讲题目:How Does History Affect Future Success in Crowdsourcing:

Analytical Model and Empirical Evidence

: It is often believed that individual users in crowdsourcing communities who have succeeded in generating ideas are more valuable. By using a formal analytical Markov decision model based on the theory of sequential search, however, we find that those users who had high past success rate are not without a diminishing value in their future idea generation. This is because lower search cost associated with high past success rate has a curvilinear effect on the success rate, as it reduces the search effort of a user on the one hand and increases the relative value of a user’s ideas on the other. Such cognitive constraint of users, however, can be at least partly resolved by the often-overlooked co-development efforts from other users in the community. Empirical data from Dell IdeaStorm provides supportive evidence for these predictions from our model. Taken together, our study offers new insights on how a user’s cost structure influences his future success of ideation.

个人简介:陈继光,山东大学助理教授。复旦大学与杜克大学联合培养博士,香港科技大学商学院博士后,2016年入选阿里巴巴活水计划研究学者。在《Production and Operations Management》 、《European Journal of Operational Research》等期刊发表过供应链管理、电子商务相关领域的研究成果。