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编辑者: | 发布时间:2016-10-31

演讲人:蓝永泉 助理教授

主持人:缪朝炜 教授


  点:保欣丽英楼408(嘉庚一 408

演讲题目:Competition and Coordination in a Three-tier Supply Chain with Differentiated Channels


     :Motivated by the recent trend of global sourcing and online-offine channels, we analyze a supply chain in which a manufacturer distributes a product through two distributors (channels)to a retailer whose demand is uncertain. The two distributors differ in their commitment ofoffering return credits and they compete through charging different wholesale prices to theretailer. For this dual-channel supply chain, we derive the retailer's optimal ordering policy, characterize the pricing Nash equilibrium for the two distributors, and investigate howthe manufacturer sets its optimal wholesale price. We show that the dual-channel systembenefits the manufacturer and the retailer when the level of demand uncertainty exceedsa threshold. Interestingly, the competition between the two distributors leads to the coordination of the downstream three players (the two distributors and retailer). We furtherdemonstrate that the introduction of a second channel may entail Pareto gains to all players, including the incumbent channel, when compared with a single-channel system, as longas the manufacturer sets its wholesale price properly. This surprising insight sheds somelight on the increasing prevalence of the dual-channel scheme in practice. It is noteworthythat channel differentiation is the key to the success of the dual-channel system.




个人简介:Dr. Yongquan LAN currently is an assistant professor in the Department of Management Science at Xiamen University. He graduated from University of Science and Technology of China-City University of Hong Kong (USTC-CityU) joint PhD program and received his PhD. degree in July 2013. Before this, he got his bachelor degree of Information Management and Decision Science from USTC. During his postgraduate study, he was supervised by Prof. Zhongsheng Hua from USTC and Dr. Yanzhi Li from CityU, and got Outstanding Graduate Research Students Scholarships, from USTC and Outstanding MS Research Students Scholarships from CityU. He has published papers in top journal such as Marketing Science and so on. His research fields include Operations and Supply Chain Management, Green Supply Chain Management,Interface Research between Operations Management and Marketing, Game Theory, e-Commerce and so on.