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编辑者: | 发布时间:2015-09-15

演讲题目:A New Look at Long-Term Focus in Competitive Environment : Increasing Profit vs. Risk Reduction

演讲嘉宾:Tae Ho SongPusan National UniversityAssistant Professor



主持人:袁喜娜 副教授


Academics and practitioners have claimed that long-term focused strategy, such as

customer relationship management (CRM), enhances a company’s long-term performance bycreating and managing customer value. However, a significant number of companiesadopting long-term focused strategy, specifically CRM, have cast strong doubts on its abilityof creating sustainable long-term performance. This doubt has been even growing under thecurrent competitive marketing environments. There is an urgent call for researchers todevelop a new insight into the role of long-term focused strategy in today’s turbulent businessenvironments. The present research investigates a new role of long-term strategies inproducing superior firm performance. First, we developed a game theory model between twocompeting firms to compare long-term focused strategy (i.e., long-term profit or customerequity maximization) with a short-term focused strategy (i.e., short-term profit maximization).Second, we found out Nash equilibrium among the existing strategic pairs based onsimulation to compare their performance and find out strategic implications. The results showthat a firm can benefit long-term focused strategy by reducing its risk rather than enhancingthe firm performance. The present research discloses new advantages of long-term focusedstrategies in the current competitive environments.



