演讲题目:Simple or Complex Logos? The Impact of Logo Complexity on the Brand Perception
演讲时间:2022 年9 月26 日(周一)上午09:00-11:00
Marketers often use brand logos as a communication tool to shape their brand image. In this article, we show that logo complexity (simplicity) activates a prestigious (approachable) brand image. We provide field evidence for the associations between complexity and prestige and between simplicity and approachability among real brands. We also use an implicit association test to verify that consumers hold the associations. Then, we conduct a set of experiments to test the proposed causal effects and mechanisms. Specifically, we show that rebranding with a more complex (simple) brand logo leads consumers to perceive a brand as more prestigiou (approachable). Logo complexity increases perceived brand prestige by boosting the perceived intricacy of the product design, while logo simplicity increases perceived brand approachability by increasing the processing fluency of the logo. Finally, we show that consumers who want to signal that they are upper class (approachable) are more likely to choose a product that features a complex (simple) logo. Our findings offer practical implications for logo design and brand communication.
Brief Biography:
Qing Tang is a doctoral candidate in Marketing from Nanyang Technological University,Singapore. Before joining the Marketing PhD program, she received her Master degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Bachelor degree from Sun Yat-Sen University. Her research interests are mainly in brand communication, digital marketing and visual marketing.